Does Facebook restrict organic reach?

Little Seed Group
2 min readJul 14, 2021
Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

In recent years, Facebook has made major changes to offer people a platform to enjoy a meaningful digital experience. Facebook quite rightly predicted this would lead to people spending less time on social media. Interestingly, the behaviour of users (when online) has changed rapidly. Users are making more value-driven decisions through social (such as making purchases) which is great news for Facebook, but bad news for organic reach.

As a Social Media Agency, businesses regularly ask us about Facebook Marketing, with a common question being “does Facebook restrict organic reach on particular words?” The short and simple answer to that is no. We’ll explain our reasons for this below which we hope you’ll find useful.

Where are we now?

Facebook has implemented new processes which can reduce a page’s organic reach. However, there are ethical tactics readily available that businesses can use to increase organic reach despite the changes to increase engagement and sales.

The approach to use on Facebook is simple but can be challenging to initially master. The steps businesses should consider taking before embarking on Facebook Marketing is to:

  • Create a solid Social Media Strategy with measurable KPIs that works alongside a multifaceted communications plan
  • Deliver meaningful and authentic content which resonates with your audience
  • Understand your customers well and build and nurture sustainable relationships with them (both online and offline)

Generating results through organic posts is possible, however, a well-researched plan, being reactive, and having a commitment to social media marketing is the key to success. Not forgetting to invest in paid-for content when the time is right.

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Little Seed Group

Award-winning Marketing, PR and Social Media Agency. Here to help businesses grow, thrive and blossom: